Canvy is an easy-to-use art staging app that will absolutely be a game changer for marketing and selling your artwork. Michael Carini and Canvy got together for a little artist talk. You can read the rest of the interview on Canvy's website and you can see a live version below via YouTube.
What are the things you like about Canvy? How was your experience so far?
I purchased the app the day that I found it and absolutely love it! It is one of the very best investments I have ever made as an artist. I do a lot of work, but the thing I struggle with is providing context. The stagings of Canvy allow me to not only provide references for scale, but provide theoretical environments to provide that context that so many buyers need. Seeing a piece on a wall with a possible frame option is vastly different than seeing a piece on an easel or the floor. I highly recommend Canvy to anyone looking to sell their artwork. It’s so easy to use and I can provide great renderings, over which I have so much control, in just 1-2 minutes. It was an absolute game changer for me. If you haven't already, you have to try their "Free Forever" plan today. There is absolutely no risk and you have everything to gain.
How can you encourage other artists/people with neurodivergent thinking to not be afraid of being different like you?
I think the best way to help other people that are neurodivergent, as well as those that aren’t, to not be afraid of being different is simply to put yourself out there. Art gives me a wonderful platform to be a voice for the voiceless. I know for a long time I felt like I was born into a world that had no place for me, so I created my own. That often meant not just taking the road less travelled, but the road never travelled. You will only get where other people haven’t been by doing what other people haven’t done. I think that there is a universal value to this message, regardless of who you are and what you do. At times it was and is still extremely uncomfortable because I have to be completely vulnerable, but I’ve learned over time that I have to open myself up to free myself. I also know that some people haven’t learned how to do these things yet and as someone that has, it’s my responsibility to set an example through action and create a bridge for those lost in the sea of the mind.
How did Carini Arts, also known as Acrylic Alchemist, start? Can you tell us the story behind its name?
Carini Arts is my brand, so that has really been around as long as I have. People ask when I started doing this, and the truth is the day I was born. This is what I was put on this earth to do, and I never allowed the world to talk me out of it. My job is just to be me.
Acrylic Alchemy was essentially born on April 27, 2009, after an assault and battery that left me with a concussion, severe eye trauma, and multiple facial fractures. My logo, tattooed on my arm, is what I saw flashing in my head after my concussion. It represents life grown from death and many say it resembles a tree or neuron, both of which are essentially correct. Acrylic Alchemy is based on the principle of equivalent exchange, meaning that nothing can be created or obtained without sacrifice. What that sacrifice is, well that is up to you.
Braska, your little kitty, is so cute! May we know how Braska helps you stay motivated in everything you do?
Braska is my little studio helper and “Employee of the Month” coming up on something like 56 months in a row, or as long as I’ve had her. My other cats aren’t really happy about that and claim bias, but I told them they just need to work a little harder. They tried to unionize, but I had to break that up. Braska checks everything that comes in and is responsible for all final inspections. Sometimes she likes to get involved a bit more than others.
You had over a hundred of exhibitions locally & internationally, what are the best things about this experience?
I think the best part about that was learning what does and doesn’t work for me. You have a perception of these things before you’ve done it, and sometimes a radically different one after you have because you don’t know what you don’t know and until you experience it, you may never know. I’m thankful for all of those experiences and it is really cool to walk into a gallery and see your work on the wall or in the window. I’m currently working with several galleries and am represented by Adelman Fine Art in San Diego, CA. I currently have shows there and at La Playa Gallery.

Canvy is an absolute game changer and a must for any artist trying to better market and sell their artwork.
Canvy allows your to choose from hundreds of beautiful rooms you can easily customize by color.

Canvy is so easy, you can upload your artwork, customize a room, and then post it or share it with a client or collector in just minutes.
Read the full written interview HERE with Canvy
Check out today and if you're not quite ready to make the big jump, try their "Free Forever" plan to get started. You won't regret it!